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About me

I'm a full-stack developer with a very strong DevOps and cloud skill set.

One of my key traits is adaptability; I tailor my approach to the situation at hand.

Quality, correctness, and performance are paramount to me.

I am proactive, take the initiative, ask questions to find the best solution, and think beyond the scope of the original problem to understand the wider system.

I support my work, having led multiple projects that lasted more than three years.

My diverse experience ranges from investment banks to tiny startups, giving me a balanced view of software development.

Clear and concise communication is essential to me: in code, in speaking, and in writing.


I value and establish the following principles:

  • Clear Communication and Lightweight Processes: Ensuring our communication is clear and processes are simple makes it easier for everyone to follow and contributes to efficiency.
  • Blameless Culture and Honesty: We foster a culture where team members feel safe to be honest and mistakes are seen as opportunities for learning rather than blame.
  • Drive Towards Excellence: Continuous improvement and striving for excellence in all aspects of our work is a core commitment.

To maintain a focused and respectful work environment:

  • We avoid discussing politics or similarly divisive topics.
  • We strictly forbid the misrepresentation of facts; arguments must stand on their own merit.
  • We evaluate the cost and value of each meeting to ensure it is time well spent.